June 22nd, 2021 HOA Board Meeting

Sand Creek Woods HOA Mtg

Eva Probst, Lane Skeeters, David Sempsrott, Chris Neal, Melissa Irvin

  1. Mailboxes 
    1. all posts painted, 5 posts ordered, possibly 2 boxes
    2. will continue to replace a group of posts each year
  2. Start monthly updates (email, FB, website)
    1. Communication of ‘good’ stories in the neighborhood
    2. We are on the email blast list for the City of Fishers community engagement team
    3. Ask for committee members (social, other?)
    4. Crime Watch awareness
  3. Basketball Goals
    1. Safety – this is not HOA responsibility (in the driveway not an option for neighborhood’s setup)
    2. Regular use – put away out of sight if it’s not used more than once a week; if its reported that its not being used and not put away we will address 
    3. Hours of use – conform with city guidelines 7a-10p (summer) 7a-9p (all other)
  4. ACC Annual Guidelines to be finalized by July 22nd meeting
    1. Will be reviewed/revised (if necessary) in Dec of each year
  5. Annual Meeting
    1. Explain the one time annual dues increase b/c of shared island update
    2. Elections
    3. Basketball Goal guidelines
    4. 121st sign update (steel is ordered, need to pour the concrete, etc)
  6. Social Committee
    1. Welcome baskets 
    2. Block Party 
  7. Finances
    1. Create a graph of last few years expenses showing increase over time
    2. Collect 5 yrs of unexpected expenses and add a line item for these
    3. Do special assessment for large projects so that they can be voted on by the homeowners
    4. Need to decide dues for 2022 – suggest fixed increase annually
    5. Show what dues would’ve been at if we had increased the last 4 years and what our savings would’ve been compared to what they actually are