Report Violation

If you have noticed an issue with a property in our neighborhood please let us know. If this issue effects you personally and/or this is a neighbor of yours, we strongly recommend reaching out directly before filing a report. More often this is the most effective approach to many issues.

If you are unable to make contact or believe the homeowner will be unwilling to listen to your concerns this is the best place to start. We will need all details before contacting the homeowner, most importantly which covenant you believe them to be violating.

There are many issues that are not covered by our covenants. Unfortunately the HOA does not handle these and we recommend reaching out to the City of Fishers for additional help.

Your Contact Details

Violation Details

Specify Covenant Violated

If possible, verify the specific covenant you believe the property is violating. This information will aid us in address the issue faster. View at link below.

By-Laws & Covenants

Send Any Documentation

Upload any documents or photos relevant to the possible violation. Please provide as much documentation as possible.

Thank You for Contacting Us

We will review your submission and once we verify the violation we will contact the property owner to begin working towards a resolution. They will receive notification by email and and mail but your information will be kept private.